Image processing API

Online tools

API documentation

Main concepts

API key

API calls

GET /images/ID Retrieves (downloads) an image.
POST /images Stores (uploads) an image
POST /process/auto-convert Auto-converts an image for use in a browser.
POST /process/convert Converts an image to JPEG or PNG.
POST /process/croppola Intelligently crops generic pictures (croppola algorithm).
POST /process/crop Crops or expands an image.
POST /process/soft-expand Soft-expands an image by warping the sides.
POST /process/crop-car Crops the image with respect to a car.
POST /process/download Downloads and imports an image from an another server.
POST /process/read-exif Reads exit information from a JPEG image.
POST /process/info Retrieves basic image information.
POST /process/send-to-developers Sends files to the Croppola developers.
POST /process/unzip Extracts images from a ZIP file.
POST /process/write-exif Modifies exif information of a JPEG image.
POST /process/zip Creates a ZIP file with images.

Support and questions

If you have questions regarding the API or the online tools, or if things don't work as documented here, please contact Thomas Lochmatter.